At the end of 2024, my two year term as National Chair came to an end and I stood down from the national committee. A committee I have been part of for over a decade.
It has been one of the greatest honours of my life to have been the Chair of our fantastic organisation. An organisation I am, and will always be, extremely passionate about.
We must continue to support each other and work collaboratively in the quest to get the best result for our clients. We must strive to safeguard our future as agents in the ever-increasing push towards data driven analysis… Agents are still and will always be the face of the market and the best deal makers in it!
I would like to think I have left the society in a good place and if I have managed to do that in some small way, then I can retire as Chair a happy man.
I will sorely miss being part of the committee and being involved in arranging some of the amazing events the IAS hosts but I could not be leaving the IAS in safer hands, with Josh Pater taking over as NationalChair for the next two years. Josh will be supported by Heather Harvey-Wood in her role as Vice Chair and the wider national and regional committees, who also do such an amazing job across the UK for our members. I would also like to give a special mention to Chris Jee who has been an invaluable member of the team and provided superb support to me during my time with the IAS.
Thank you and I wish everyone the best for 2025 and beyond.
Kind regards